Getting to Know

Michael Gargiulo

I am thrilled to introduce myself, Michael Gargiulo, a proud native of Gwinnett and a dedicated entrepreneur and community leader. With deep roots in our community, I have always strived to uphold the values and principles that make Gwinnett a great place to live.

My journey began right here, where I was raised and graduated from Brookwood High School. I went on to earn a Bachelor’s degree in Finance and Risk Management from the University of Georgia, which provided me with a solid foundation in finance and business strategy. For seven years, I served as the CEO of, where I honed my skills in cybersecurity and IT, driving innovation and leadership.

Beyond my professional achievements, my true fulfillment comes from serving our community. My spiritual journey at Free Chapel Church’s School of Discipleship has deeply enriched my life. Additionally, I dedicate my time to mentoring the next generation of business leaders through the Future Business Leaders of America. For the past five years, I have proudly served as Chief of Staff for Georgia Senator Colton Moore, gaining invaluable experience in public service.

My commitment to excellence and service has been recognized through prestigious accolades such as the Presidential Service Volunteer Award and achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. These honors reflect my dedication to our community and our shared values.

I am pro-liberty, pro-law enforcement, and pro-teachers. My dedication to these causes stems from my deep belief in the importance of freedom, security, and quality education for all.

As your next Georgia State Senator, I am committed to defending our Constitution, championing conservative values, and addressing the critical issues facing our state. I will lead the charge in tackling rising crime rates, eliminating the state income tax, and improving our schools to ensure a brighter future for our children.

Thank you for your support and trust.